
God Is Near

Flowers with Scripture passage. Isaiah 41:10

Dear Friend,

God is near.

I believe we should practice “physical distancing,” BUT also practice social attachment and lovingkindness, although from a distance.

Perhaps you, too, are feeling the dire impact of our “enforced” distancing.

Perhaps you and your children and grandchildren, your friends and neighbors feel obliged to remain physically distant for the foreseeable future.

Although, perhaps this is a moment when you feel even more deeply the need for kindness and the loving attachments of family and friends.

I’m sadly feeling the “social distancing” very personally.

Saint Lawrence Seminary has been closed for the past two weeks – like every other school in Wisconsin – by order of the Governor. This order came toward the end of our long scheduled Annual Winter Break from March 6th to the 15th. So the logistics of closing the seminary
worked out nearly perfectly.

I say “nearly” because, as you know, we are an international seminary community, with 20 young Catholic men of faith and promise from countries like Korea, Vietnam, India, Arab Emirates among other nations.

These seminarians were enjoying Winter Break in the homes of classmates. Now they are back at the seminary awaiting the return of their friends and fellow seminarians, if this is God’s plan.

I want to assure you, as Rector of Saint Lawrence Seminary, we long for and pray for the day we are allowed to bring the students back to campus.

Our seminarians are eager to resume their education in this unique Catholic community in this, our 160th year of ministry. We will welcome them back as soon as health officials, our Capuchin leadership and most importantly, the parents of our young men, give us the green light.

In the meantime, I have felt a pressing need to keep you informed. I beg your forgiveness for my delay, as I’m sure you can imagine all the issues we have been confronting these past weeks as the depths of this crisis grew more clear.

I’ve been uplifted by the many benefactors who have called asking about our situation and offering their prayers. I have been honored by the letters, emails and calls pleading for our prayers for their unique situations at this unique moment in the world’s history.

Please know that those who assist me in writing to you and other benefactors are also staying at home, some working from home, so my responses through the mail might be delayed as you can understand.

As we are forced to practice “physical distancing,” I offer you our prayerful assurance of ongoing spiritual and social attachment, even though from afar. Along with the “distance learning” the seminary staff is undertaking right now, I’m also sending (via email) every seminarian their “spiritual homework” as well.

Praying for you and your intentions is an essential element of our seminary program. There will be no break in that. For 160 years our seminarians have prayed for the needs and intentions of the benefactors who have given them this great gift of Saint Lawrence Seminary.

I am sending them names and intentions to lift up in their daily prayers, even if we cannot come together physically, we cannot be kept apart spiritually.

“Do not be afraid I am with you,” say the Lord. “Let nothing frighten you. I will sustain you and help you.” So great is our God. So near. So faithful. So loving and so kind.

Let us be loving and kind and near to those now alone, infirm or frightened. There is so much we can all still do for others. In this moment of fear and crisis, let us not grow “socially distant” but ever nearer in prayer, outreach and lovingkindness.

May the Lord bless and keep you,

Father Zoy Garibay, OFM Cap.

P.S. Your generosity in support of Saint Lawrence Seminary is hope for the Church and a light for the future. Thank you for providing young men this holy ground and sacred time in which to discern God’s call to priesthood, religious life and lay ministry and service in the Church.

Please pray the enclosed “Prayer for Healing in Troubled Times” to draw near to your fellow benefactors, the Capuchin friars and our seminarians. We thank you each day for your greatly needed support and prayers.

Prayer For Healing in Troubled Times

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